J Res Health Sci. 2014;14(4): 282-286.
PMID: 25503284
Scopus ID: 84919400404
  Abstract View: 279
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Original Article

The Effects of Prioritize Inspections on Occupational Health Hazards Control in Workplaces in Iran

Fatemah Sadeghi, Abdolrahman Bahrami*, Farin Fatemi
*Corresponding Author: Email: bahrami@umsha.ac.ir


Background: Iran, a newly industrializing country in Middle East, has a workforce of 25 million people. Most employees are working in agriculture, manufacturing, services, construction, commerce sectors, carpet weaving and mining. This article aims to explore the improvement of occupational harmful agents in workplaces due to implement “prioritize inspections”.

Methods: In 2012, the system of "prioritize inspections "was defined for surveillance on enterprises replace of routine inspection. From this system, the enterprises classified on four groups based on health hazards and enterprises with high risk were under more surveillance. The information about each enterprise was collected by health centers, in five provinces and reported by a recommended form to Centre of Environmental and Occupational Health (CEOH). At this program, the inspections from high and medium hazards were increased in all of provinces.

Results: The results showed there was a significant difference between the control of health hazards in before and after beginning of “prioritize inspections”(P=0.048). The control of noise, fumes and providing of proper illumination increased from 8 to 10%, 9to 9.5%, 12.9 to 15.4%, respectively, at under study provinces in 2012 compared to 2011.

Conclusions: The surveillance based on “prioritize inspections” increased the quality of occupational health inspections that causes to prevent occupational health diseases.

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Submitted: 16 Jun 2014
Revision: 15 Dec 2014
ePublished: 02 Nov 2014
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