J Res Health Sci. 2008;8(1): 1-11.
PMID: 23343991
  Abstract View: 451
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Original Article

The Comparison of Educational Intervention Effect Using BASNEF and Classic Models on Improving Assertion Skill Level

SMM Hazavehei*, GhR Sharifirad, M Kargar
*Corresponding Author: Email: Hazavehei@hlth.mui.ac.ir


Background: To compare the effectiveness of BASNEF and Classic educational models to improve the assertion skill level of high school boy students.

Methods: The 60 high school male students from Shiraz City, Fars Province Iran, were participated in this study. They were randomly divided in two groups (groups A and B). The group A attended in designed educational planning based on BASNEF model and group B attended in classic educational program. The both groups had participated in six session educational activity (2 hours each session) during the four weeks. The data collected using questionnaire before and after one-month intervention.

Results: The mean score of knowledge, attitude, enabling factors, social norms, and Rathus Assertion Test were not significant statistically between two groups before and after intervention. However, the mean scores of all mentioned variables in group A and only knowledge and assertion variables in group B changed significantly after intervention. In addition, the comparison of the mean scores and the means of scores difference of all variables changed significantly between two groups after intervention.

Discussion: Performing BASNEF educational model, in accordance with its main parts (knowledge, attitude, social norms, and enabling factors) is more effective than performing classic educational model to improve high school boy students’ assertion.

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Submitted: 28 Jun 2011
Revision: 28 Jun 2011
ePublished: 30 Aug 2023
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