J Res Health Sci. 2016;16(4): 206-211.
PMID: 28087853
PMCID: PMC7189920
Scopus ID: 85008194315
  Abstract View: 350
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Original Article

A New Microwave Shield Preparation for Super High Frequency Range: Occupational Approach to Radiation Protection

Vida Zaroushani, Ali Khavanin*, Ahmad Jonidi Jafari, Seyed Bagher Mortazavi
*Corresponding Author: Email: khavanin@modares.ac.ir


Background: Widespread use of X-band frequency (a part of the super high frequency microwave) in the various workplaces would contribute to occupational exposure with potential of adverse health effects.  According to limited study on microwave shielding for the workplace, this study tried to prepare a new microwave shielding for this purpose.

Methods: We used EI-403 epoxy thermosetting resin as a matrix and nickel oxide nanoparticle with the diameter of 15-35 nm as filler. The Epoxy/ Nickel oxide composites with 5, 7, 9 and 11 wt% were made in three different thicknesses (2, 4 and 6 mm). According to transmission / reflection method, shielding effectiveness (SE) in the X-band frequency range (8-12.5 GHz) was measured by scattering parameters directly given by the 2-port Vector Network Analyzer. The fabricated composites characterized by X-ray Diffraction and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope.

Results: The best average of shielding effectiveness in each thickness of fabricated composites obtained by 11%-2 mm, 7%-4 mm and 7%-6 mm composites with SE values of 46.80%, 66.72% and 64.52%, respectively. In addition, the 11%-6 mm, 5%-6 mm and 11%-4 mm-fabricated composites were able to attenuate extremely the incident microwave energy at 8.01, 8.51 and 8.53 GHz by SE of 84.14%, 83.57 and 81.30%, respectively.

Conclusions: The 7%-4mm composite could be introduced as a suitable alternative microwave shield in radiation protection topics in order to its proper SE and other preferable properties such as low cost and weight, resistance to corrosion etc. It is necessary to develop and investigate the efficacy of the fabricated composites in the fields by future studies.


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Submitted: 09 Feb 2016
Revision: 29 Dec 2016
ePublished: 22 Nov 2016
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