J Res Health Sci. 2008;8(1): 25-32.
PMID: 23343994
  Abstract View: 364
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Original Article

Case-Control Study of acute diarrhea in Children

A Vafaee, A Moradi*, M Khabazkhoob
*Corresponding Author: Email: moradia@mums.ac.ir


Background: To determine the risk factor for acute diarrhea disease in children. Methods: In the survey, 220 cases and 220 controls were involved. Cases were children with loose watery feces, pathologically diagnosed as acute diarrhea by the physician, and enrolled from the Emergency Ward as the Incident Cases in Dr. Sheykh Hospital, Mashhad, northeast of Iran. Control group too, was enrolled from the same cases and the members were children whose risk factors disease were not the risk factor for acute diarrhea, and were enrolled from emergency ward of burn patients, accidents, acute respiratory diseases and eligible patients.

Results: By using univariate logistic regression models, variables consisting used milk up to 6 months age, antibiotic usage during the last 15 days, mother's employment, mother's acquaintance with ORS, occupancy, and water slack during the week before illness, were significantly related with acute diarrhea. In a multiple logistic regression, the relationship between the said factors as the independent variables and acute diarrhea was studied. Use of formulas before 6 month age with (95% CI 1.77- 5.79) OR=3.21, and tenantry with (95% CI 1.24-2.71) OR=1.83, and mother’s employment with (95%

CI 1.2-5.06) OR= 2.48 were factors affecting acute diarrhea which remained in the multiple logistic model and had significant relationship with the disease.

Conclusion: During this study, important environmental risk factors were recognized. Endangered groups and mothers with children under 5 years old should be aware of these risk factors in order to prevent their children's diseases. Prevention of acute diarrhea in children can reduce massive detriments to health system.

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Submitted: 03 Jul 2011
Revision: 03 Jul 2011
ePublished: 30 Aug 2023
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