J Res Health Sci. 2018;18(2): e00410.
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Original Article

Predicting Physical Activity Behavior in African American Females: Using Multi Theory Model

Traci Hayes, Vinayak K. Nahar*, Manoj Sharma
*Corresponding Author: Email: naharvinayak@gmail.com


Background: Despite physical activity having several benefits, a considerable number of Americans do not engage in sufficient exercise. Among the high-risk groups are African American women. A recent theory, multi theory model (MTM) for health behavior change can be used to develop effective interventions. The objective of this research was to test MTM in its ability to predict physical activity behavior in African American women.

Study Design: A cross-sectional study.

Methods: African American women aged 18 yr and older were recruited at various locations (primarily churches) of Jackson, a large city in southern Mississippi to participate in this cross-sectional study in 2016. The valid and reliable survey was administered to a G*Power calculated quota sample of 156 women either in person or via a Qualtrics link sent through an e-mail.

Results: The regression analysis revealed that 32.7% of the variance in initiating physical activity behavior was predicted by participatory dialogue, behavioral confidence, and changes in physical environment. Sustenance of physical activity behavior was predicted up to 38.8% by emotional transformation and changes in social environment.

Conclusions: MTM appears to be a robust theory in its application for changing physical activity behavior in African American women. This theory must be reified and empirically tested with this population.

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Submitted: 04 Jan 2018
Revision: 12 Apr 2018
ePublished: 12 Apr 2018
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