J Res Health Sci. 2004;4(1): 64-70.
  Abstract View: 336
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Original Article

Suggested a National Trauma Registry System for Iran

Alireza Zohoor*, Farkhondeh Asadi
*Corresponding Author: Email: JRHS@umsha.ac.ir


Background: In addition of the socio-economics costs, trauma is the 4th cause of death at all age groups, In 2000, Trauma was caused more than 6 Million deaths in the world. Despite promising trend in improving many aspects of health care and treatment in the last decade in our country, little attention has been paid to the subject of registering trauma on an international standard. Effective practical research specially in quality improvement of treatment, causes of trauma, control, prevention and evaluation of effectiveness programs, would materialize when the national trauma Registry system is established and it's data are collected and completed on time. Considering the absence of an appropriate national trauma registry system in Iran, and the necessary that to create an appropriate model, conducting this research was urgently felt.

Methods: This comparative cross- sectional study was conducted to evaluate the developed national trauma registry systems in the world and suggested an appropriate model for Iran national trauma registry system in the year 2003-4. In this study, national trauma registry system in the world countries evaluated by library resources, Web sites and E-mail communication with internal and external specialists. Suggested for Iran national trauma registry system axes presented based on economical, cultural and geographical situations. This model evaluated by Delphi techniques at 3 stages. At first and second stages, semi structured interviews used. The validity of the questionnaires and data collection was evaluated. At third stage, specialists have invited to discuss about suggested model completely. After analytical finding, the final model was presented.

Results: In this paper, developed trauma registry systems in the world evaluated. Also a model suggested for Iran national trauma registry system in seven main axes. The results show that in order to optimize the infrastructure of Iran trauma registry system, structure, data elements, information gathering process, main goals, registration criteria, classification system and quality control mechanism of the current national trauma registry system should be reevaluated.

Conclusion: Matching with the suggestion of international trauma research institutes, Decrease lack of registry, increase quality control mechanism, could be considered as advantages of the suggested model in comparison with the present system in country.
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Submitted: 14 Sep 2011
Revision: 15 Sep 2011
ePublished: 15 Sep 2011
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