Background: For the controlling of hospital infectious, keeping hospitals' environmental health in a good condition is of importance. Keeping environmental health situation of hospitals in a good condition is very important to control of hospital infectious. A descriptive survey was performed at the all nine hospitals of Kermanshah University of medical sciences, Iran, in 1998.
Methods: The data collection tool was a questionnaire, which was completed by an observer.
Results: The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were confirmed using a pilot study. In this study eleven parts of the hospitals' environment such as theater, kitchen, radiology, laboratory, emergency department, CSR, ICU, ward, laundry, disposal and also water and wastewater conditions were observed. The complete desirability was scored as 100. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistical techniques.
Conclusion: Overall, the desirability of the hospitals' environment health was 65.2%±7.8%. The desirability of environmental health of the all hospitals' wards was 66.6%±6.4%. The highest score was for Moatazedi hospital (71.1 %) and the lowest scores were belonging to Farabi hospital (25.9%). The desirability in hospitals managed by graduated managers was not different markedly than the others. It can be concluded the desirability of the hospitals' environment health was far from the standard.