J Res Health Sci. 2013;13(2): 194-200.
PMID: 24077479
Scopus ID: 84884235522
  Abstract View: 324
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Original Article

The Status of Diabetes Control in Kurdistan Province, West of Iran

Nader Esmailnasab, Abdorrahim Afkhamzadeh, Daem Roshani, Ghobad Moradi*
*Corresponding Author: Email: gh.moradi@gmail.com


Background: Based on some estimation more than two million peoples in Iran are affected by Type 2 diabetes. The present study was designed to evaluate the status of diabetes control among Type 2 diabetes patients in Kurdistan, west of Iran and its associated factors.

Methods: In our cross sectional study conducted in 2010, 411 Type 2 diabetes patients were randomly recruited from Sanandaj, Capital of Kurdistan. Chi square test was used in univariate analysis to address the association between HgAlc and FBS status and other variables. The significant results from Univariate analysis were entered in multivariate analysis and multinomial logistic regression model.

Results: In 38% of patients, FBS was in normal range (70-130) and in 47% HgA1c was <7% which is normal range for HgA1c. In univariate analysis, FBS level was associated with educational levels (P=0.001), referral style (P=0.001), referral time (P=0.009), and insulin injection (P=0.016). In addition, HgA1c had a relationship with sex (P=0.023), age (P=0.035), education (P=0.001), referral style (P=0.001), and insulin injection (P=0.008). After using multinomial logistic regression for significant results of univariate analysis, it was found that FBS was significantly associated with referral style. In addition HgA1c was significantly associated with referral style and Insulin injection.

Conclusions: Although some of patients were under the coverage of specialized cares, but their diabetes were not properly controlled.

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Submitted: 07 May 2013
Revision: 17 Jul 2013
ePublished: 17 Jul 2013
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