J Res Health Sci. 2007;7(2): 36-41.
PMID: 23343923
  Abstract View: 271
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Original Article

Depression in Menopaused and Nonmenopaused Women

MH Baghianimoghadam*, AH Aminian
*Corresponding Author: Email: baghianimoghadam@yahoo.com


Background: This cross-sectional investigation compared the depressive condition between menopaused and nonmenopasued women in the age of 45-55 in Yazd city in Yazd Province in center of Iran.

Methods: The samples were divided into two groups (70 menopaused women and 70 nonmenopaused women) , and were selected by cluster sampling from the city of Yazd. The depressive tendency of participants was examined with the Beck depression inventory.

Results: About 72% of women were free of any depressive tendency, or very minor depression. Thirty women (21.4%) suffered from intermediate depression and 9 women (6.4%) suffered from sever depression. More than 27% of subjects were suffered from some forms of depression. There was no significant difference between the depression and condition of menopause of women.

Conclusion: It is a need to know the women's condition of depression and counseling as well as guiding them on basis of their needs to prevent any disorders.

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Submitted: 03 Jul 2011
Revision: 03 Jul 2011
ePublished: 30 Aug 2023
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