J Res Health Sci. 2007;7(1): 24-31.
PMID: 23343868
  Abstract View: 624
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Original Article

Pattern of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Urban Population

Z Yekta*, AR Zamani, M Mehdizade, Z Farajzadegan
*Corresponding Author: Email: yekta42@yahoo.com


Background: To determine the prevalence and patterns of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) use in urban population in Isfahan.

Methods: In a cross–sectional study through two-stage sampling methods, 870 individuals were selected from Isfahan Province, center of Iran. We selected 20 clusters randomly and chose one household from each cluster by chance then 24 households were included consequently. Subsequently a resident of each household aged 18 years or older was selected randomly. We assessed the rate of use, types of alternative medicine, and conditional disease during recent two years.

Results: The overall use of at least one method of complementary and alternative medicine was 62.5%. The most common problems were as follows: digestive problem, obesity and hyperlipidemia, as well as anxiety and depression. Herbal medicine and bless therapy were the most common methods that people chose.

Conclusion: Regarding to high prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine use, more attention to complementary and alternative medicine is mandate for physicians and health system managers. Health authorities' supervision and training of traditional practitioner is important not only for its economic impact and postponement of seeking treatment, but also for its untoward side-effects either alone or in combination with orthodox medicines.

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Submitted: 03 Jul 2011
Revision: 03 Jul 2011
ePublished: 30 Aug 2023
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