J Res Health Sci. 2005;5(2): 1-5.
  Abstract View: 287
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Original Article

The Frequency of HBV and HIV among injection Drug Users in Shahre-Kord, Iran

A Karimi*, R Imani
*Corresponding Author: Email: alikarimi72@yahoo.co.uk


Background: Drug injection is one of the most significant risk factors for viral hepatitis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The present study was performed to evaluate the frequency of hepatitis B (HBV) and HIV infection in IDUs and to identify the risk factors of these infections in this group in a central city of Iran, Shahre-Kord.

Methods: This study was conducted in 2004 with a study population of 133 Intravenous drug users (IDUs) in a voluntary drug treatment center. Information on demographics, HBV, and HIV-related risk behaviors were obtained through an interviewer-assisted questionnaire. IDUs serum samples were screened for HBV and HIV infection using Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All HIV positive samples were confirmed by Western blotting.

Results: Of the 133 IDUs, 1 (0.75%) was HIV+ and 8 (6.2%) were Hepatitis B surface antigen positive (HbsAg+). The mean age of HBV infected IDUs was 31.13 years. The prevalence of HBV infection was more than that of the HIV infection. Using Chi-square test it was found that there was significant correlation between using shared syringe and infection with both HIV and HBV.

Conclusion: This is the first prevalence study of HBV and HIV infection among IDUs in Shahre-Kord. We concluded that drug users had an elevated prevalence of HBV and HIV infection. Drug injection is the most important risk factor associated with blood-borne viral and particularly HIV and HBV infections.

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Submitted: 04 Jul 2011
Revision: 04 Jul 2011
ePublished: 30 Aug 2023
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