Background: Early detection and screening have been successful in reducing mortality in some countries, but not in others. This is most of due to poor management and implementation of inappropriate policies. All of patients with cervical cancer are in developing countries. The effectiveness of screening for cancer of the cervix in these countries is dramatic. It seems that after 50 years Pap smear yet has the best quality and quantity for the screening.
Methods: In this study using a retrospective study we evaluated the results of screening between privacy and governmental sectors to compare before and after the seminar of Pap smear.
Results: The results show that in 1998 the rate of mild dysplasia 0.0004%, CIN (II) 0.0004%, and CIN (III) 0.0014%. During 1999 to 2001 there found just one case with cancer, one case CIN(llI), CIN (II)'4 cases and CIN(I) 7 cases. In private sector in 2002 from 1000 women, 53(5.3%) cases had ascus and 25 (2.5%) cases with mild dysplasia. During 1998 to 2001 the frequency of ascus was 4.7%, mild dysplasia 3.1% and 0.06% were CIN (II). The comparison between public and private sector during the studied years were statistically significant.
Conclusion: This study showed that the results of Pap smear in the governmental sector are not reliable. So, it is suggested that Pap smear education for health workers should be performed seriously. Also, performing different workshops in this regard is essential.