J Res Health Sci. 2002;2(2): 28-32.
  Abstract View: 272
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Original Article

Estimates of Variation of Air Pollutants Emission from Different Sources in UK from 1980 to 1996

Ahmad Joneidi Jafari*
*Corresponding Author: Email: JRHS@umsha.ac.ir


Background: Measuring and monitoring of air pollutants are one of environmental and all' pollution controls tools. Due to lack of widespread data in Iran, this study was performed to estimate the trends of major pollutant emissions to atmosphere in the UK from 1980 to 1996.

Methods: This investigation is a retrospective study that the data were collected from the departments of environment, transport and also trade and industry in the UK.

Results: The results showed that sulphure dioxide reduced to 53% and particulate reduced approximately to 41% during the study years. Also, sulphure dioxide has reduced to 53% and particulates reduced approximately to 41% in the study years. NOx emissions from road transport increased approximately by 25% during the 1980s. Emissions of volatile hydrocarbons from road transport peaked in 1990 at just 961 thousand tones. Emissions of lead from road vehicles have fallen by 89% since 1980. In the most times, the UK air quality was in EC regulation limits. Therefore, almost the UK air quality was suitable.

Conclusion: The measurement, monitoring, target planning, correct management and set up practical regulation can have effective rule in air pollution.

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Submitted: 28 Sep 2011
Revision: 28 Sep 2011
ePublished: 28 Sep 2011
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