Background: Determining of gene frequencies of A, Band 0 genes from ABO blood group system and D and d genes from Rhesus system are objectives of the present study.
Methods: The study was a cross sectional descriptive study. All the voluntary blood donors, 7361 people, attending to the Hamadan, Iran, Blood Bank during 1996 were studied. Primary information from the sex of blood donors and their results of ABO & Rh blood types were obtained from the official records of Hamadan Blood Bank. Then the frequencies of genes A, B, 0 of ABO system and D and d genes of Rhesus system were calculated. The final results were compared with each other according to their sex.
Results: In ABO system, the most frequent blood types were 0, A, Band AB, respectively.
Conclusion: The frequent alleles were 0, A, B, respectively. The frequency of AB type in women was about twice than the men. About 92% of subjects were Rh positive.