J Res Health Sci. 2001;1(1): 7-12.
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Original Article

A Study of Job Satisfaction in a Prison Employer

Rostam Golmohamadi*, Ahmad Heidari Pahlavian, Gholam Hosein Sadri, Abbas Zamanian
*Corresponding Author: Email: JRHS@umsha.ac.ir


A study was carried out to evaluate Job satisfaction of employers in a prison in 1997. The populations of study were all of staff as officiary person; contracthal and mission people. The results showed that 62.5% of the study population has beenemployed in this work because of their interest. But in the study time, 79.2% of them liked to leave their work. 73% of employers' families were not satisfied because of long working time, and work in holidays to the work, 71.7% of employer, in the jail and 32.3 percent out of the prison, have been blamed by the prisons and their families. At least, 51.5% of employers have not been satisfied for their works, the main reason for this was, low salary.52.1% of employers who were not satisfied, were lived in rental home. Satisfaction from the work had an inverse relation with the Working time. Most of them were 24 hours shift work time.

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Submitted: 06 Oct 2011
Revision: 06 Oct 2011
ePublished: 06 Oct 2011
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