J Res Health Sci. 2022;22(4): e00562.
doi: 10.34172/jrhs.2022.97
PMID: 37571933
PMCID: PMC10422158
Scopus ID: 85167745029
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Original Article

Problematic Internet, Smartphone, and SMS Use among Adults: Shared and Unique Predictors

Argyroula Kalaitzaki 1*, Stéphanie Laconi 2, George Tsouvelas 3

1 Social Work Department, Health Sciences Faculty, Hellenic Mediterranean University; Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Enhancement of Quality of Life (Quality of Life Lab); Affiliated Researcher of the University Research Centre ‘Institute of AgriFood and Life Sciences’, Greece
2 Laboratoire CERPPS (Centre d’Études et de Recherches en Psychopathologie et Psychologie de la Santé) - EA 7411 - Université Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès, UFR de Psychologie, Bureau M153, 5 Allée Antonio Machado, 31058 TOULOUSE Cedex, 9. France
3 Department of Nursing, University of West Attica; Affiliated researcher of the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Approaches for the Enhancement of Quality of Life, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece
*Corresponding Author: Argyroula Kalaitzaki (PhD), Email: akalaitzaki@hmu.gr


Background: Although a surge of interest has recently emerged in investigating the simultaneous problematic use of various technology-based tools, the findings are still inconclusive. The present web-based survey aimed at examining whether (a) personality traits, coping strategies, and sociodemographics are associated with problematic internet, smartphone, and SMS use among Greek users and (b) personality traits mediate the relationship between maladaptive coping strategies and problematic use of the three media.

Study Design: A cross-sectional study.

Methods: A convenience and snowball sample of 1016 participants (84.4% female, mean age of 30.3 years) completed the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire-9 (PIUQ-9), the Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale (MPPUS), the Self-Perception of Text Message Dependency Scale (STDS), the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire 4+(PDQ-4+), and the Brief Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced Inventory (Brief COPE).

Results: Shared predictors between problematic use of the three technology-based tools were younger age and low educational level, the coping strategy of substance use, and the narcissistic, avoidant, and dependent personality disorders. Predictors of problematic internet and smartphone use were coping strategies of emotional support, self-distraction, and behavioral disengagement. According to structural equation models (SEM) models, cluster C personality disorders fully mediate the relationship between maladaptive coping strategies and problematic use of technology-based tools.

Conclusion: Addressing factors that predispose (i.e., personality traits), precipitate, or maintain problematic use (i.e., coping strategies) can lead to effective and cost-saving preventive (i.e., screening of vulnerable groups) and therapeutic efforts (i.e., teaching adaptive coping strategies).

Please cite this article as follows: Kalaitzaki A, Laconi S, Tsouvelas G. Problematic internet, smartphone, and sms use among adults: shared and unique predictors. J Res Health Sci. 2022; 22(4):e00562. doi:10.34172/jrhs.2022.97
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Submitted: 16 Oct 2022
Revision: 29 Oct 2022
Accepted: 24 Nov 2022
ePublished: 29 Dec 2022
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