Background: Spouse abuse so called intimate partner violence (IPV) is a common problem in the world. This survey was conducted to identify IPV prevalence and related factors in district health centers in Hamadan, western Iran, in hope that, by identifying risk factors, preventive guidelines could be understood.
Methods: In this descriptive analytic cross sectional study, 600 married women from six district health centers in Hamadan, western Iran were randomly enrolled in 2007. For gathering information we used a questionnaire which included demographic and specific questions about IPV, based on WHO guidelines. For increasing validity of results, questionnaires were nameless and participants were ensured about concealment of their identities. Finally data analyzed by SPSS software (version15).
Results: Wife abuse was identified in 34.2% of participants. For understanding IPV risk factors, we used logistic regression method and 27 variables were enrolled in the equation and finally 4 variables were statistically significant to wife abuse (P< 0.05). These variables were: weak religious believe of men, history of wife abuse in participant's mothers, men's criminal history and finally men's alcoholic abuse
Conclusion: Wife abuse was prevalent in this survey, so that 1 from 3 women was abused by their husbands. Other similar investigations in different countries also verify this result. Because of so many women who disclaim violence due to cultural texture and religious believe, it is believed that, intimate partner violence is more than those being reported.