J Res Health Sci. 2020;20(1): e00470. doi: 10.34172/jrhs.2020.05
PMID: 32814694        PMCID: PMC7585754

Short Communications

Measles Outbreak in a Rural Population in Bahar District, Hamadan Province, West of Iran in 2018

Manoochehr Karami, Salman Khazaei, Seyed Mohsen Zahraei, Talat Mokhtari Azad, Ali Zahiri, Ali Reza Moradi, Jalal Bathaei, Masoumeh Javaheri, Jalaleddin Amiri *

Cited by CrossRef: 2

1- Saffar H, Khalifeloo M, Saffar M, Abdollahi A, Parsaei M, Ghorbani G, Salarvand S, Aarabi M. Measles and rubella serosusceptibity among population vaccinated with different schedules: the potential impact on measles-rubella elimination in Iran. BMC Infect Dis. 2021;21(1) [Crossref]
2- Mojarad N, Forouzani F, Mohammadi Z, Shahriarirad R. Serosurvey of anti‐rubella and anti‐measles IgG antibodies in young females in Jahrom, southern west Iran in 2012: A review of literature of the serological profile in Iran. J of Gen and Family Med. 2024;25(2):95 [Crossref]
3- Kia M, Nekooei F, Alipour A, Hashemi S, Salimi V, Fattahi M, Lankarani K, Sarvari J. Investigation of the Seroprevalence of Antimeasles Immunoglobulin G Antibody in Students at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Viral Immunology. 2023;36(6):424 [Crossref]